What Kind of Therapy Is Good For Attachment Issues?

Attachment Issue Therapy

For improving the quality of life, it's essential team to develop emotional relationships that are healthy. Despite this, there are many people who lack the ability to connect deeply with others. They also experience problems in building meaningful relationships. This condition is what is referred to as an attachment disorder. This is a condition that usually develops in childhood. But unless is it addressed and recognized, it can carry into adulthood as well.

The Development of Attachment Disorders

Psychologists have already recognized that the ability that people gave to form emotional relationships is one that starts right from early childhood. The foundation for building healthy relationships is set by the relationship a child has with their caregiver. Those who have experienced positive emotional connections in their early childhood, are more likely to develop good attachments later in life as well.

On the other hand, those who experienced traumatic childhoods are often the people who have issues with forming attachments. They struggle to maintain relationships that are close, and could also have problems associated with commitment.

Therapy for Attachment Disorders

Psychotherapy is the cornerstone when it comes to treating attachment disorders in adult people. It's also important to note that these are also the people who don't readily share the emotional experiences that they have. This is why methods that are more traditional, such as psychoanalysis, will not be as effective on them.

It's also not uncommon for people with attachment disorders to lack basic communication skills. The analyst may end up saying the wrong thing, which affects the person even more.

Psychotherapy is a more useful approach to take. Take for example transference focused psychotherapy. This has shown improvements when it comes to attachment security, as well as the capacity to mentalize. When people can project the feelings they have for their caregivers, on to the therapist, they find themselves expressing their emotions more openly.

Another option worth considering is group psychotherapy. The group is a base that is secure, that the individual can find themselves attached to. The maturational agent of the group is the leader of the group. They are the person who is encouraging the group to verbalize the feelings that they have. People can so better regulate their emotions through group therapy as well. This is a process that facilitates the maturation and development that could have been hindered as a result of the problems they have with attachment.

Medication may also play a role in dealing with attachment issues. This is dependent on whether there are specific problems that medication can provide help with. Conditions such as anxiety or depression can be benefitted if medication is provided concurrently as well. However, medication cannot replace psychotherapy as a whole.


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