Therapy for Coping with News and Current Events

Coping Current Events

Current events and news can have varying impacts on different people. However, at times, the effect could be traumatic and deeply emotional. It is common to feel hurt and disturbed when we hear the sad experiences of others in the community.

 It can be a disaster, accident, or human action – the events we watch on social media platforms or news channels may have a profound effect on us. A qualified therapist or an experienced counselor can be of big help.

Strategies to cope up and for improved well-being

1. Be more active: You may begin with something manageable, such as enjoying a walk around your block or in a park. Such an exercise could succeed to distract you and improve your symptoms and temperament.

2. Acknowledge your state of mind: It is crucial to recognize and acknowledge that you are highly disturbed after watching some news or current events.

3. Relaxation: Practice some simple strategies to relax, such as visiting a peaceful place or deep breathing. IT may also include taking a refreshing bath and also sleeping well at night.

4. Speak to others: Call a close family member or a dear friend and share your feelings or emotions. It is quite likely that your feelings are not normal or common and you are the only person who is suffering. People who are fond of you should be aware of your mental state as they can offer to support you.

5. Stop watching current events or news till you feel better: Taking a break from social media or television, particularly when engaging in your hobby or passion, can refocus you. It can also lift your spirits.

Feelings due to current events and news

  • Feeling anxious about what will happen next

  • Feeling low and unhappy to know others are suffering so much

  • Fury at the cruel actions of other people

  • Embarrassment for your initial response to an incident

  • Afraid that there is no chance of things getting better

  • Confused about why such sad incidents are occurring and why people are making such bad decisions.


Effects of these symptoms

  • Insomnia

  • Chills or sweating

  • Reduced appetite

  • Racing heart

  • Tight chest

  • Exhaustion

  • Light-headed

  • Pain

  • Nausea


Get in touch with Collaborative Therapeutic Services for their expert counseling and therapy services now!


Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) wants to help. We offer a variety of counselling and therapy services, hours, and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments in office or by TeleHealth conferencing.

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