Anger Management Therapy

What Therapy is Best for Anger?

Anger is a type of human emotion that most of us have on various occasions. On the other hand, if you become too angry quite frequently or intensely, there is certainly a cause for concern. Angry outbursts, persistent fury, and rage can have negative effects on relationships, quality of life, and physical health.

Anger management is a specific approach created to support people in managing their physiological and emotional arousal, which accompanies fury. It is not always possible to alter the people or circumstances which provoke anger. This technique can aid you in identifying your triggers for fury and also handle them more effectively.

So, what is the objective of anger management therapy?

The therapy assists in minimizing anger-evoking or stressful situations, helping you express your emotions, and improving self-control in a proper manner.

Kinds of anger management therapy

The following are a few approaches for anger management therapy though there are many others:

1. Family Therapy: It is a type of therapy that comes in handy in circumstances where anger is mostly aimed at family members. The therapy can assist you in working together so that communication can be improved and issues are resolved amicably.

2. CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: It is frequently the choice treatment for anger management. The therapy can support you to recognize the triggers for your anger, practice and develop coping skills, behave, feel, and think differently while responding to anger. Thus, the therapy makes you more in control and calmer.

Techniques of anger management therapy

The techniques include recognizing the triggers and how you respond to anger. The therapy also includes learning strategies for managing or diffusing it, as well as changing attitudes and thoughts related to anger.

Recognizing triggers to anger and your responses

Anger management therapy can assist you to have a better awareness of the contributors to your anger, past and current triggers for fury, and how you respond to anger. The therapy also helps you understand the aftereffects or consequences to your relationships and yourself.

Contact Collaborative Therapeutic Services if you are in need of scientifically developed anger management therapy for you or your loved ones. Consult an experienced therapist or counselor and book your counseling session.


Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) wants to help. We offer a variety of counselling and therapy services, hours, and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments in office or by TeleHealth conferencing.

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