Are You Still Coping With Depression Related To The Covid Pandemic?

Depression and Covid

Coping With Depression Related To The Covid Pandemic.jpg

The Covid-19 pandemic has not been easy for most of us. For some, however, it has left a far more indelible mark than others. Many of us have lost friends, family, relatives, acquaintances. To feel depressed under such a scenario is very normal and nothing to be ashamed of. No matter how bad things have become, humans have always found a way to bounce back. If you are on your journey of coping and overcoming depression related to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are here to help you.

Learning how to cope with stress without going into self-destructive spirals can save your life. Here are some ways of dealing with depression triggered by Covid-19 loss, fear, and anxiety.

Stay away from continuous barge of new

Stay away from news articles, particularly those on social networking sites, by following, reading, or reacting to them. Although it is beneficial to be aware, listening about the epidemic on a regular basis can be distressing. Consider restricting your news consumption to a few times each day and taking a break from your phone, television, and computer screens for a bit. Therapists and counselors advise against a continuous stream of incoming news, especially in such tumultuous times.

Try to find optimism

Consider the enforced work-from-home regulation as an opportunity to shift your focus from the outside to the inside, as bleak as the world may seem now. A more optimistic mindset can be achieved by doing one productive thing each day. Set your sights on long-overdue duties, remodel your workspace, or develop something you've always desired to do. If you approach this period with a sense of being confined or stuck, you will simply add to your tension. This is your chance to take it easy and concentrate on yourself. Counseling yourself to be optimistic in the absence of a professional can help things a bit better.

Peace inside, peace outside

Keep the inside of your home structured, consistent, and clean despite the uncertainty outside. It can be beneficial to plan your day by creating mental zones for everyday activities. For instance, don't eat or work in bed or other places where you normally wouldn't. Eat at the dining table and work at your workspace just as you would do if Covid-19 did not exist. Loosening these restrictions would only disturb your routine and make the day miserable. A crowded home might also make you feel uncomfortable and claustrophobic in your surroundings, so keep things tidy.

Get some exercise

The benefits of physical exercise in dealing with mental health issues cannot be understated. Sticking to a fitness routine, in any form, can change your life. Be it playing with kids or lifting some weights, a healthy body will lead to a healthy mind, and vice versa. Playing or working out can give you the benefits through a kind of cathartic therapy.

If you wish to get in touch with an expert, reach out to us at Collaborative Therapeutic Services in Tampa, FL.


Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) wants to help. We offer a variety of counselling and therapy services, hours, and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments in office or by TeleHealth conferencing.

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