Taking Care of Children's Mental Health

Children's Mental Health

Most people associate mental health issues with the adults only. However, these issues can affect children as well. They are not immune to domestic violence, substance abuse, divorce between the parents, and issues faced at their educational institution and other places. Parents must look out for signs that indicate the child is suffering from a mental health issue. It is important to provide timely help to the affected child. A mental health therapist can provide appropriate therapy services to solve such issues. Contact Erin Saintil, LCSW, BCBA at Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) in Tampa, Florida. She will offer you expert guidance in maintaining the excellent mental well-being of your child.

Symptoms Indicating Mental Health Issue in the Child

There are many such signs that indicate the child is in need of support. You will notice symptoms like extreme anxiety, worries and fears. Some levels of these issues are normal but above those levels they become problematic. The child may not want to go to school or play with the friends. There may be obsessive-compulsive disorders. An attention deficit disorder comes with related issues like impulsive behavior, difficulty in focusing on the task, hyperactivity, or a combination of all these problems. An eating disorder also shows emotional disturbance. It can lead to binge-eating, bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa. Look out for mood and depression disorders. Extreme cases can result in PTSD and schizophrenia. Erin will evaluate the specific problems your child is facing and devise an appropriate solution plan.

Warning Signs

You will see persistent sadness. The child avoids social interactions and becomes withdrawn. If it has led to high level of emotional disturbance, the child may try to harm oneself or talk about it. Out of control anger and behavior can be seen. Extreme irritability and frequent mood changes are some other indicators. Other warning signs include difficulty in sleeping, unexpected severe weight loss, difficulty in focusing on the task, poor academic performance and others.

When to Contact a Mental Health Counselor?

Study the specific issues your child is having and solutions that can help solve those issues. Try to know the root cause of the problem. Solve the main problem or keep your child away from that issue, place, person or conflict. If all such options fail to work and the issue persists, you should consult Erin, an expert in mental health issues. Your child will be evaluated and you will learn how the mental health issues of your child can be solved.

The Evaluation Process

Mental health care counselors at CTS use well-established techniques to perform this evaluation. They take into account the child’s medical history, any incident of emotional or physical trauma, mental or physical health record of the family, symptoms parents have noticed and academic history. The counselor will talk with the child and parents using specific questionnaires.

Based on this evaluation report, the CTS counselor will recommend one or many solutions. Erin and other therapists at CTS clinic in Tampa, Florida have training, qualification and licenses to provide professional therapy services in such cases. The child may have to undergo several sessions of counseling and therapies. Some of these sessions may require both the child and parents to undergo counseling. It is possible to overcome the mental health issues your child is facing with the help of these solutions. Visit Collaborative Therapeutic Services website to book your appointment online.


Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) wants to help. We offer a variety of counselling and therapy services, hours, and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments in office or by TeleHealth conferencing.

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