Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)


A borderline personality disorder affects a person's life and relationships. Self-image issues, sequence of unstable relationships, and difficulty in controlling behavior and emotions are all part of this disorder.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder?

Patients suffering from this disorder experience mood swings. This disorder affects their behavior and their feelings about themselves. Some other symptoms are as follows.

  • They have an intense fear of abandonment. They make intense efforts to avoid this real or imagined rejection.

  • They are extremely sensitive. Small issues trigger intense reactions.

  • They have intense, unstable relationships. They may display extreme love in one moment to extreme anger and dislike in the other moment.

  • Their self-identity and self-image keep on fluctuating.

  • They experience periods of intense paranoia. They lose contact with reality.

  • The fear of rejection forces them to let out suicide threats or suicidal behavior.

  • The patients experience a persistent feeling of emptiness

  • They indulge in dangerous and self-harming behaviors like drug abuse, binge eating, unsafe sex, gambling, or reckless driving.

  • Their mood swings from happiness to anxiety, shame, or irritability. These swings can last from a few hours to a few days.

  • They frequently lose their temper, get into physical fights and display inappropriate, intense anger.

Causes of Borderline Personality Disorder

It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of this disorder. This disorder can be caused due to the following reasons.

  • ·        Hereditary

Some studies suggest that this disorder may be inherited. It may have a strong association with mental health problems among other family members.

  • Abnormalities in the Brain

Patients may have changes in areas of the brain which are involved with regulating emotion, impulsion, and aggression.

  • Difficult Childhood

People who have faced any form of abuse in childhood often develop this disorder. Those who were separated from their parents in childhood are also at risk of developing this behavior. Those who spent their childhood in conflict-ridden homes or had unstable family relationships are also at risk of this disorder.

This disorder begins in early adulthood and gets worse in young adulthood. It is better to get treated at the earliest at a place like Collaborative Therapeutic Services.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Borderline Personality Disorder is difficult but not impossible to treat. If left untreated it affects the person's life. The patient may indulge in suicidal behaviors. People with Borderline Personality Disorder often display symptoms of other mental health disorders like anxiety disorders, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, and depression.

With proper treatment, people suffering from this disorder get better and lead functional lives. In the absence of treatment, the person's close relations suffer the most. These patients tend to amplify other people's feelings towards them. They tend to push their close relations away from them due to their fear of losing them.

Don't let borderline personality disorder ruin your life and relations. Reach out to the experts at Collaborative Therapeutic Services located in Tampa, Florida. They have many experts with diverse specializations who offer a variety of therapy and counseling services. You can call them or send them a mail. You can also drop in at their clinic located in Tampa.NEED HELP?

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