Collaborative Therapeutic Services

Collaborative Therapeutic Services Tampa | Brandon Florida Mental Health Counseling

Types of therapy we offer:

Adoption/ Foster Care Therapy

Adoption and foster care can lead to positive outcomes for many children. However, thousands of other children and young adults placed in foster or adoptive homes may experience significant life stress and trauma due to difficulty with the foster care system, problematic placements, and neglectful or abusive foster parents and siblings. Even those children who are adopted into loving homes may experience conflicted feelings about being given up for adoption. Adoptive children may also experience stress or anxiety as a result of not knowing their background. These and other issues can often be explored through therapy.

Anger Management Therapy

Anger management refers to the process by which a person learns how to identify stressors, take necessary steps to remain calm, and handle tense situations in a constructive, positive manner.

The purpose of anger management therapy is to help a person decrease the heightened emotional and physiological arousal often associated with anger. It is generally impossible to avoid all the people, things, and settings that incite anger, but a person may learn how to control reactions and respond in a socially appropriate manner. The support of a mental health professional may be helpful in this process.

Therapy for Anxiety Disorders

If you suffer from panic attacks, obsessive thoughts, unrelenting worries, or an incapacitating phobia, you may have an anxiety disorder. But you don’t have to live with anxiety and fear. Treatment can help, and for many anxiety problems, therapy is a good place to start. Certain types of therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy, are particularly beneficial. These therapies can teach you how to control your anxiety levels, stop worrisome thoughts, and conquer your fears.

Attachment Disorder Therapy

Most of the treatment for reactive attachment disorder (RAD) and disinhibited social engagement disorder (DSED) is provided by primary caregivers (eg, parents or substitute parents) in their everyday interactions with the child. Ideally, these caregivers can rely on the expertise and advice of a mental health professional who is aware of the emotional needs of children, the phenomenology of attachment disruptions, and the need to repair and recreate the sense of security in the child.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Therapy

Research shows that behavior therapy is an important part of treatment for children with ADHD. ADHD affects not only a child’s ability to pay attention or sit still at school, it also affects relationships with family and other children.  Children with ADHD often show behaviors that can be very disruptive to others. Behavior therapy is a treatment option that can help reduce these behaviors. It is often helpful to start behavior therapy as soon as a diagnosis is made.

Aspergers / Autism Therapy

Many people with autism and Asperger’s syndrome find it helpful to speak to a professional. Counselling can help those affected develop coping strategies, learn relaxation techniques and overcome relationship problems.

Counselling provides a safe space for people to talk about how they’re feeling in confidence and without fear of judgement. Depending on what the person is seeking support for, the counsellor can use specific psychological approaches to help. The following are just a few of the approaches that can be helpful for those with autism.

BiPolar Disorder Therapy

Psychotherapy, or "talk" therapy, is an important part of treatment for bipolar disorder. During therapy, you can discuss feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that cause you problems. Talk therapy can help you understand and hopefully master any problems that hurt your ability to function well in your life and career. It also helps you stay on your medication. It can help you maintain a positive self-image.

The types of psychotherapy used to treat bipolar disorder include:

  • Behavioral therapy. This focuses on behaviors that decrease stress.
  • Cognitive therapy. This type of approach involves learning to identify and modify the patterns of thinking that accompany mood shifts.
  • Interpersonal therapy. This involves relationships and aims to reduce strains that the illness may place upon them.
  • Social rhythm therapy. This helps you develop and maintain a normal sleep schedule and more predictable daily routines.

Depression Therapy Treatment

Studies have shown that cognitive therapy works at least as well as antidepressants in helping people with mild to moderate depression. Treatment with medication and/or psychotherapy can shorten depression's course and can help reduce symptoms such as fatigue and poor self-esteem that accompany depression.

Divorce Therapy

Sometimes, marriages do not succeed. The end of a marriage can be a relief to some people, but it can also be an extremely stressful event. Even the partner who chooses to leave may experience a wide range of emotions and intense feelings that may be painful or difficult, such as grief, guilt, anger, confusion, fear, shame, and anxiety. If children are involved, the stress level within a divorcing family is likely to be even higher.

People sometimes seek therapy to help them decide whether to stay in a marriage or leave. Others may seek help in counseling to make the transition from being married to being single again. Both these goals can be addressed in individual or couples therapy.

Family Conflict Therapy

Family therapy is designed to help families collaborate to address family problems. The course of treatment is often brief, and most family therapy models seek to address the communication (verbal and nonverbal) styles of the family, as well as any individual issues that may be interfering with the cohesiveness of the family system. Family problems do not have to be severe to warrant therapy. Working with a therapist, families can expect to learn to understand one another better, communicate more effectively, and work proactively to disrupt unhealthy patterns.

Lesbian/ Gay/ Transgender Therapy

Although a person’s sexual or romantic orientation or gender identity may not be a source of distress, people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, asexual, or any other orientation or gender identity may find that the social stigma of living as a minority is a source of stress or anxiety.

When seeking therapy, whether for issues associated with one’s sexual, romantic, or gender identity or for concerns related to mental health, finding a qualified mental health professional who has experience and familiarity with the challenges members of the LGBTQIA community often face can be critical to successful therapy outcomes.

Marital Counseling with Specialty in First Responders Therapy

Exposure to trauma can be an everyday experience. We use Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), both proven psychotherapeutic approaches that have addressed successfully trauma, depression, anxiety and other symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  We are trained in EMDR therapy for both first responders and dealing with family issues that may come from trauma.

Mood Disorders Therapy Treatment

This therapy is focused on changing the person’s distorted views of himself or herself and the environment around him or her. It also helps to improve interpersonal relationship skills, and identifying stressors in the environment and how to avoid them

Oppositional Defiance Therapy

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a condition that generally appears in childhood. It is characterized by defiant, hostile behavior that is not developmentally appropriate. Parents and caregivers who are concerned about a child's disruptive behavior or defiance may wish to seek out a mental health professional, as therapy can often help treat ODD and may both prevent a child's behavior from worsening and reduce the risk that other mental health issues will develop.

Parenting Therapy

Parenting, though rewarding, may still be one of the most difficult and time-consuming aspects of a person’s life. In addition to tending to an infant or child’s daily needs, parents are also generally responsible for helping each of their children develop life skills, social skills, and appropriate behaviors, while accounting for the unique personality of each child. Parents who become overwhelmed may find the support of a mental health professional to be helpful, particularly when faced with a difficult situation or behavioral concern.

Relationship Issues Therapy

Relationships require work and are bound to face challenges large and small. Simple, everyday stressors can strain an intimate relationship, and major sources of stress may threaten the stability of the relationship. As long as each partner is willing to address the issue at hand and participate in developing a solution, most relationship problems are manageable, but when challenges are left unaddressed, tension mounts, poor habits develop, and the health and longevity of the relationship are in jeopardy.

Self Esteem Therapy

Therapy sessions frequently address issues like low self-esteem and help people to gain a stronger sense of self. People with low self-esteem may work with therapists on becoming more assertive, confident, and self-aware. Finding a sense of accomplishment is a huge boost to self-esteem, and therapy can help people identify specific activities that boost confidence and competence. In addition, many therapists focus on helping people develop self-compassion so that they can develop more realistic, achievable goals for themselves and treat themselves with the same kindness and encouragement they would offer others.

Maltreatment / Emotional Abuse Therapy

Emotional abuse is a form of deliberate manipulation that is used, often by a parent or romantic partner, to maintain control. This type of abuse may include verbal attacks, humiliation, verbal or physical rejection of one's presence or conversation, intimidation, bullying, and isolation. In many cases of abuse, especially intimate partner violence, couples therapy is not recommended because it often only brings further abuse on the victim. However, individuals experiencing emotional abuse, or any other type of abuse, may find the help of a therapist to be beneficial.

Post-traumatic Stress (PTSD) / Trauma Therapy

Psychotherapy is the most effective form of treatment for healing from the effects of trauma. Therapy or counseling can help people who have experienced trauma and those diagnosed with PTSD make sense of their experiences and feelings, develop plans to stay safe, learn healthy coping skills, and connect with other resources and support. A qualified therapist can help people heal from trauma even long after the traumatic event took place, and unresolved trauma is one of the most common reasons people seek counseling or therapy.

Work & School Related Concerns Counseling

Common occupational therapy interventions include helping children with disabilities to participate fully in school and social situations, helping people recovering from injury to regain skills, and providing supports for older adults experiencing physical and cognitive changes.

Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) seeks to maximize clients’ options by offering a variety of services, hours, locations and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments. Have questions? Contact Us Here or Call 813-951-7346. Locations in Tampa & Brandon, Florida.