Therapy for Survivors of Abuse

Survivors of Abuse Therapy | Tampa | Brandon Florida Mental Health

Survivors of Abuse

Sexual assault occurs in the safest environments. Some of the most ‘common’ forms of abuse are relative to rape, forced sodomy, incest, forced objectified penetration in the anal cavity or the vagina, molestation, child porn, sexual harassment, and the list goes on. When there is non-consensual sexual contact, one can refer to this as sexual abuse. The reason why peoples inflict pain on others through unwanted sexual contact is to exercise a form of power over the person. Let us look into the therapy angle as to how one can get by after the abuse.

Report the Incident

Not many people would like to highlight the trauma that they have been through, but to bring the perpetrators to justice, it is necessary. Counseling centers help rape victims through the trauma by getting to know the circumstances and providing the victim with a way forward by reporting the crime.

After the Incident

Talking things over with someone who really understands the scenario is what a survivor needs. The pain does remain for a while, but once the person gets the pain off her/his chest, in a safe and controlled environment, s/he will heal.

Help for Children

Children who have been at the receiving end of rape or sodomy may take a very long time to talk about their pain. Rapists lure kids into a trap through an enticement method. They are also people who the child and parents may be close to; hence, the child may not find it easy to talk about the issue. A compassionate therapist will be able to help the child get past the trauma over time, through relatable methods.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is unwanted sexual activity, with perpetrators using force, making threats or taking advantage of victims not able to give consent. Most victims and perpetrators know each other. Immediate reactions to sexual abuse include shock, fear or disbelief. Long-term symptoms include anxiety, fear or post-traumatic stress disorder. While efforts to treat sex offenders remain unpromising, psychological interventions for survivors — especially group therapy — appears effective.

Sexual abuse is a life altering experience, but with the right set of combative tools, recovery is possible. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps people adjust to intimacy. It does take time to get to this stage, sometimes even years, but with the right counselor; one can definitely get past fear and trauma. Relationships also improve, as does the behavior.

Forms of Therapy

The exposure therapy method can make the survivor of sexual assault shiver with fear. It could be a room that appears similar, the smell of something in the air, a color or the look of a person. The approach may seem rather convoluted, but it does help the person realize that not every situation or person is scary. Once they accept that, they find the benefits of this approach.

Rewiring the brain through eye movement and reprocessing therapy encourages the movement of the eyes in a subtle fashion. A survivor may not be able to trust anyone and because of that, s/he may not be able to look anyone in the eye. This method helps her/him relate to the world out there, and deal with things straight up. Instead of being downcast and scared, the person is encouraged to fight her/his demons and get by without giving up, a step at a time.

Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) seeks to maximize clients’ options by offering a variety of services, hours, locations and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments. Have questions? Contact Us Here or Call 813-951-7346. Locations in Tampa & Brandon.