Therapy for LGBTQ Issues, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

LGBTQ, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation Relantionship Therapy Tampa | Brandon Florida Counseling

LGBTQ Relantionship Issues

Developing feelings of love or passion towards someone is not something to feel traumatized about. And yet there are many people who feel as if they have suffered in some way because of the gender they associate with, or because of their sexual orientation. People who are LGBTQ also often experience stress related to not just being a minority in the world, but also because of the stigma they face in various places. When going for therapy for issues related to your sexual orientation, gender identity, or romance related queries – it is important to go to a therapist who is a trained professional who excels in their field. This is to ensure the success of the therapy, as having the wrong counselor can work towards making the situation worse.

The full form of LGBTQ is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer. The ‘Q’ can also stand for questioning – that is to say, that they are unsure about their sexual orientation. An LGBTQ person may face a broad range of issues while growing up. Starting from feeling isolated in their environment, to not understanding why they feel the way that they do, they can even be frightened of coming out to their own family. And that is largely not without fault – many families refuse to accept their children, if they come out as gay. This makes them hesitant to tell their family and creates a stressful situation for them. Similarly, venturing out into the world, they may feel as if they are isolated – that not many people understand them. They may feel as if their lives are distinctly different from those of the people around them, and this might cause them to become anxious and depressed.

Transgender Therapy

Those dealing with gender related issues may feel the same way. Some people might even want to transition from one gender to another but may feel conflicted about it due to the way the world around them operates. By engaging in good counselling, their issues could be well resolved and they could be on the road towards healing. Although most therapists are qualified to deal with LGBTQ issues, most members of the community feel more comfortable when they are opening up to a therapist who is also LGBTQ, or at least someone with wide experience in the field. It is also important to remember that anyone seeking to change their gender would need to go through mandatory counselling before. While such therapists may not be found in all communities – more and more counsellors have started offering distance services, and this could be massively beneficial to those members of the LGBTQ family who are looking for professional help.

What Issues Might LGBTQ People Face?

Despite rapidly growing cultural acceptance of diverse sexual and romantic orientations and gender identifications, oppression, discrimination, and marginalization of LGBTQ people persists. Coping with discrimination and oppression, coming out to one’s family, and sorting out an “authentic” sense of self in the face of social expectations and pressures can lead to higher levels of depression, anxiety, substance use, and other mental health concerns for LGBTQ people.

There is ample evidence that societal prejudice causes significant medical, psychological and other harms to LGBTQ people. For example, research on the issue of family acceptance of LGBTQ youth conducted at San Francisco State University found that "compared with LGBTQ young people who were not rejected or were only a little rejected by their parents and caregivers because of their gay or transgender identity, highly rejected LGBTQ young people were:

More than 8 times as likely to have attempted suicide. Nearly 6 times as likely to report high levels of depression. More than 3 times as likely to use illegal drugs. More than 3 times as likely to be at high risk for HIV and STDs.

Undergoing counselling can be a good way to release pent up emotions, and work towards healing inner issues. By fully exploring what is bothering the person, their inner complexity slowly starts to make way towards a rational and happy approach to life. By understanding that there is nothing wrong with them, and finding a place where they can safely express themselves, they learn to open up their emotions.

Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) seeks to maximize clients’ options by offering a variety of services, hours, locations and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments. Have questions? Contact Us Here or Call 813-951-7346. Locations in Tampa & Brandon,