How to Stop Attachment Insecurity From Ruining Your Relationships

Stop Ruining Your Relationship

If you’ve ever experienced anxiety or fear of being abandoned in relationships, you may be dealing with attachment insecurity. Various factors, such as childhood trauma, insecure attachment styles of your primary caregivers, or significant losses in life, can cause attachment insecurity. Understanding how to overcome attachment insecurity is the key to developing strong, secure relationships and improving the quality of your life.

Get to Know your Attachment Pattern

The first step in overcoming attachment insecurity is understanding your attachment style. This will help you recognize any patterns interfering with your ability to form healthy relationships. Reading up on attachment theory is a great place to start; it will provide insight into different attachment styles and how they manifest in relationships. Identifying the issues causing your feelings of insecurity will give you greater control and allow you to take steps toward healing.

Find a Therapist With Expertise in Attachment Theory

If you don’t already have a great therapist specializing in attachment theory, it’s important to find one who does. A good therapist can help you work through any underlying issues contributing to your insecure attachments and provide invaluable support and guidance. They can also suggest ways to manage your emotional triggers more effectively, so they don’t interfere with future relationships.

Seek Out Partners With Secure Attachment Styles

It’s also important to look for partners with secure attachment styles when seeking romantic relationships. People with secure styles tend to be more emotionally available and less likely to trigger any feelings of abandonment or rejection that may arise from past experiences. Building a relationship based on trust and respect will help set a foundation for a successful partnership in the future. 

Go To Couples Therapy

If you didn't find such a partner or are already in an established relationship but feel like things aren't quite right, going on couples therapy is also an option worth considering. A good therapist can help both partners understand each other better and address any underlying issues that might be causing distress or tension within the relationship dynamic. 

When it comes down to it, overcoming attachment insecurity requires self-reflection, an understanding of one's internal dynamics, and strategic planning when seeking out partners (if applicable). It's important not only for your health but also for your future relationships; no one wants their past baggage to get in the way of building something beautiful.


Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) wants to help. We offer a variety of counselling and therapy services, hours, and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments in office or by TeleHealth conferencing.

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