Attachment Issues Therapy

Attachment Issues

A form of therapy that is based on attachment theory is called attachment therapy. It explores how an individual's experiences in childhood may affect abilities to form relationships in adulthood. Typically, attachment therapy is suggested for people who have experienced negative childhood experiences. Such individuals may struggle to gain meaningful bonds as adults and will benefit from attachment therapy.

The Crux of Attachment Therapy

A therapist who practices attachment therapy works to rebuild trust. Trust is a major issue for individuals who opt for attachment therapy, and this is the main reason they lack meaningful relationships in their lives. If such individuals do form relationships, they almost always fail at maintaining close ties for a period. In attachment therapy, the therapist dives deep into the inner child in any adult who has faced issues in childhood. The main idea is to get the affected individual to recognize the source of the trauma that occurred in childhood. This could very well be suppressed in adulthood.

The Way Counseling Works

After the source and time of the wound/trauma has been revealed, it is the job of the therapist to "parent" the client, as the version of the child. This happens with compassion, empathy and love that should have been given to the affected individual when they were a child. In a sense, the therapist acts as a parent should have probably acted for the individual when they were a child. The therapist gives   the much-warranted emotional support to cope with the trauma and its fallout.

Scope to Cope

The way that a counselor applies attachment theory to therapy lets an individual learn to cope with their own troubles, relying on themselves rather than someone else. Based on initial research by renowned psychologist, John Bowlby, attachment theory works according to the way that children form bonds with parents. Every individual has a unique attachment style. This is manifested in adulthood. How this shows itself in adulthood depends on how the individual has formed bonds with parents and significant others in childhood (mainly parents and other relevant caregivers).


Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) wants to help. We offer a variety of counselling and therapy services, hours, and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments in office or by TeleHealth conferencing.

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