What Kind Of Therapy Helps With Self-Esteem?

Self-Esteem and Therapy

Those who have low self-esteem don't hold themselves in high regard. People with low self-esteem can feel shy around people, or even anxious. They could think that they are incapable or could also criticize themselves in a harsh manner. Low self-esteem is a problem that many people have to deal with.

However, it becomes a problem when your self-esteem stops you from living your life to the guest. You could be also become more vulnerable to struggling with mental health issues as well, if you have low self-esteem. The good news is that therapy can enable you to feel better.

What Can Cause Low Self-Esteem?

If you struggle with low self-esteem, then a therapist can enable you to cope with it better. But what can cause low self-esteem issues in the first place?

Negative beliefs and opinions that people have about themselves are often what causes self-esteem issues. How you're treated by people, mainly when you were growing up, can also have an effect on how you perceive yourself. The kinds of experiences that make it more likely for people to develop self-esteem issues include:

  • Experiences involving harsh punishments, neglect or even abuse.

  • Not receiving enough affection, encouragement, love and praise in early life.

  • Not being able to meet the expectations that other people place on you can also contribute to low self-esteem issues.

  • If you aren't able to properly fit in with your group of peers, this can also affect you. Through human evolution, the 'tribe' has always been seen as important. This is why not being able to fit into a social group can contribute to low self-esteem.

How Can Low Self-Esteem Be Treated?

A counselor can help you cope better with low self-esteem. There are various psychological treatments that can help deal with self-esteem issued as well as self-criticism. Popular among these is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Compassion focused therapy as well as competitive memory training can also be used to deal with self-esteem issues.

This is how CBT can help deal with self-esteem issues:

  • Your core beliefs will be identified

  • You'll learn more about the way you live your life

  • You'll develop healthier beliefs and rules of living

  • Behavioral experiments will be used to test the negative predictions you have

  • Self-criticism will be replaced by self-compassion

  • You'll learn how to live in line with the new beliefs that you form

A therapist can help you recover from low self-esteem issues. If you're considering therapy, then visit Erin Saintil, LCSW, BCBA, Collaborative Therapeutic Services. Anyone seeking therapy in Tampa, FL, can get in touch with Erin Saintil to receive counseling. Say goodbye to low self-esteem by actively working with a therapist to improve your perceptions about yourself.


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