What is the Purpose of Family Therapy?

Family Therapy

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Families seek counseling for various reasons. Some family members may not comprehend the purpose of visiting a family therapist, or the need for all family members to attend therapy sessions. Here is a brief explanation on the purpose of family therapy.

What is Family Counseling or Family Therapy?

Family therapy is a treatment designed to target certain issues that might affect the functioning and health of a family. Talking to a counselor may be necessary to help a family through a difficult phase, behavioral or mental health problems, or a major life transition.

The therapist views individual problems in the context of the family unit. The belief in this form of counseling is that issues cannot be addressed or resolved without gaining an understanding of the dynamics of the family. Essentially, how a family operates affects how the individual’s problems develop and how they are enabled by other members in the family.

During family therapy, the counselor may use exercises and techniques such as interpersonal therapy, behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, or other forms of individual therapy. The techniques used will depend on the issues the client presents. For instance, emotional and behavioral problems in children are the most frequent reasons why families visit a therapist. This is because a child’s problems doesn’t exist within a vacuum, rather they need to be dealt with in the framework of the family.

In family counseling, the term “family” doesn’t only refer to blood relatives. It can refer to anyone who assumes a supportive, long-term role in the individual’s life in the same home.

Different Types of Family Therapy

The most common types are:

1. Structural

This therapy is focused on strengthening and fine-tuning the family system so that both the parents and children set appropriate boundaries. It also teaches parents how to retain control. The therapist often participates in the family to learn, observe, and improve the family’s relationships.

2. Bowenian

This form of counseling is suitable for individuals who don’t wish to involve their family members in the therapy sessions. Bowenian therapy focuses on two core concepts- venting by speaking to a third party and becoming less reactive in relationships.

3. Strategic

This therapy is direct and brief. The therapist often assigns homework to all the family members. The purpose of the homework is to change how family members interact with each other. This is achieved by assessing and improving the way each member communicates and forms decisions. In these sessions, the therapist is in control, which enables all family members to communicate equally and effectively.

Family Counselor Training

Considering there are different types of therapy, a family therapist undergoes formal education and training in specific techniques. They also have some experience in treating:

  • Domestic violence;

  • Child and adolescent behavioral issues;

  • Marital conflicts;

  • Anxiety and depression;

  • Substance issues;

  • Grief.

To treat these and other family problems more effectively, the therapists at Collaborative Therapeutic Services in Tampa, FL, guide clients to resolve relationship issues. We guide clients through major transitional crises like death or divorce. Our therapists take a mind-body approach towards wellness.


Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) wants to help. We offer a variety of counselling and therapy services, hours, and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments in office or by TeleHealth conferencing.

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