What to Do Before Your First Therapy Session

What to Do Before Your First Therapy Session Tampa Florida
what to except during your first therapy session tampa.jpg

Therapy can seem daunting at first, after all, you will be discussing and sharing information that is personal and important to you. Being a little aware of how to prepare for your first session will help you go into it less intimidated and more confident.

Consider calling your counselor first

If you are completely unaware of what the session or sessions entail and you don't want to go into them blind-sided, you should consider calling first. Not all therapists are open to chatting on the phone initially, but the ones that do will enable to get over your initial trepidation and nervousness and help you feel more comfortable about meeting him or her in person.

Decide on what you want out of the counseling

We all face different problems in our lives in varying degrees and because there are no right reasons to seek therapy, there aren't any wrong ones either. Irrespective of the reason, whether you are looking to climb out of your depression, heal any family and other relationship rifts or deal with demons in your past, therapy is most effective when you are aware of the outcome you seek. By deciding in advance on the goals, you want to achieve, or the difficulties you need to overcome will enable your therapist to steer you in the right direction and better equip you with the tools required to get your life back on track. On the flip side, if you aren’t as yet sure of the goal you seek and if your therapist is adept and experienced enough, she will help you work it out.

Choose an appropriate time slot

Since it is your first time in therapy, ideally you should set aside time in your calendar that doesn’t fall slap bang in the middle of your work day or when you don’t have much time to spare. By allotting sufficient time for the session, you will be able to bring your counselor adequately up to speed so that he or she can get a complete idea of the challenges you face. Therapy is supposed to be exactly that, therapeutic, not a rushed affair.

Make a list of points

A first counseling session can be quite intimidating in spite of it not being designed that way. After all, you will be discussing your problems with a complete stranger. In order for you to get you more in your comfort zone, it really helps if you jot down certain aspects that you want to highlight in your initial session. By doing this, you will feel less apprehensive and more open to discussing sensitive issues.

Be prepared to have a comprehensive discussion

Besides discussing your goals and aspirations, your counselor will want to know a little more about you, your family background, educational qualifications, work history and issues you are facing among other things. How much you want to divulge is left up to you but the more open and honest, you are the better picture you will paint. The more your counselor knows, the better he or she will be able to equip you with techniques to overcome the hurdles.

Arrive a bit early

Once you have scheduled an appointment, getting to it a little ahead of time will allow you to leisurely deal with any paperwork such as signing a consent form, provide billing and insurance information if needed.

One of the best therapists in the area of Tampa, FL is Erin Saintil because she is exceptionally qualified and has vast and diverse experience dealing with different kinds of problems across the board. If you are on the lookout for the best counseling solutions, visit https://www.therapycts.com/blog/

For more information on the types of therapy that may help you or your child contact us today.

Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) seeks to maximize clients’ options by offering a variety of services, hours, and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments. Have questions? Contact Us Here or Call 813-951-7346. Located in Tampa, Florida.