Marriage / Couples Counseling in Tampa

Signs that you need Counseling

Marriage Couples Counseling | Therapy Tampa Florida | Divorce Counselor
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According to the American Psychological Association, about 40% - 50% of the marriages in America end in divorce. In a world where everything you know is changing at a rapid pace, having a stable relationship is important, as it is great for your physical and mental health. Even if you think you have met the right person, you need to work on your relationship, for it to thrive.

One of the healthiest ways to resolve the majority of the problems in your relationship is to go for couples counseling. Under the guidance of a licensed therapist, the practitioner will help you figure things out in your relationship so that it can last a lifetime. 

What is marriage/couples counseling?

Marriage or couples counseling is a form of psychotherapy, where the therapist will help couples identify and resolve all the conflicts, to improve their relationships. The therapist will help couples make the right decisions so that they can strengthen and rebuild their relationship or go their separate ways.

Licensed therapists are the ones who conduct marriage or couples counseling. In most cases, the therapist will work with both partners to find solutions to the problems in their relationship. At the same time, there are situations when a single partner chooses to work with the therapist.

Does marriage/couples counseling work?

One of the most common questions among every couple seeing a therapist is whether marriage or couples counseling is effective. One of the most successful techniques used by counselors is emotionally-focused therapy. Researchers have been studying the effectiveness of this technique for 30 years. As a result of this, this technique has success predictors and change processes, which makes it easier to keep track of the progress.

4 signs you need marriage/couples counseling

Here are four signs which indicate you need marriage or couples counseling:

1. You are thinking about having an affair

One of the biggest signs which tell you that you need to see a marriage or couples counselor is when you start contemplating about having an affair. It is an indicator that you want something different from this relationship.

2. You have the same arguments

Does every argument with your partner feel like déjà vu? Do you feel like even though you had a large number of discussions, it feels like nothing has changed? A therapist will help recognize these problems and find the solutions, once and for all.

3. You and your partner live separate lives

Do you feel like you are living with a roommate rather than a lover? If yes, then it is an indicator that you need to go for marriage or couples counseling. The therapist will help rekindle the connection with your partner by showing you why you fell in love with your significant other in the first place.

4. Your relationship lacks intimacy

Every couple will notice a slight change in intimacy, after spending a long time with one another. However, if there is considerable change, it indicates that there are problems in the relationship. Through counseling, you will discover the real reason for the lack of intimacy, giving you the opportunity to fix the problem.

Collaborative Therapeutic Services (CTS) seeks to maximize clients’ options by offering a variety of services, hours, and service providers with diverse specializations. We offer evening & weekend appointments. Have questions? Contact Us Here or Call 813-951-7346. Located in Tampa, Florida.